More Proof that Tea can Reduce Risk of Diabetes by 25%

December 28, 2009

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Researchers from Sydney University, Australia, have shown that drinking more than three cups of tea a day reduces the risk of diabetes. This is good news as in the UK, there are currently over 2.3 million people with diabetes and more than half a million people who have diabetes but aren’t aware of it. The incidence of the disease is increasing and this could be a simple way of reducing risk.

In December in the Archives of Internal Medicine the researchers published their findings after looking at seven studies carried out between 1966 and 2009 and involving 286,701 participants. They were looking at assessing the association between tea consumption and diabetes risk when they combined and analyzed the data, they found that people who drank three to four cups per day had an approximately 25 percent lower risk than those who drank between zero and two cups a day. In addition, those who drank more than three to four cups of tea had a one-fifth lower risk than those who drank no tea at all.

This confirms the results of another earlier study published this year and could have significant implications for people at risk of diabetes. It is believed that the protective effect of tea may be due to the antioxidants compounds it contains.

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