Black garlic boosts immune system

March 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Food & Nutrition


Sounds like something from a voodoo ritual, but if you like the health benefits of garlic, but not so keen on the taste then this new strain might be just the thing for you. Black garlic is just aged natural white garlic which in its 30 day fermentation process turns black and changes its texture, taste, odour and flavour.

Black Garlic has almost double the natural antioxidant of white raw garlic and the fermentation process gives it a sweet and sour flavour much like a fruit – the texture is different too, being almost jelly-like and with a slight liquorice flavour.

During the fermentation process the powerful antibiotic and anti-fungal compound naturally occurring in garlic called allicin turns into a new chemical compound called S-allylcysteine which is more easily absorbed by the body and is not found in white garlic.

You can get this new health boost in several ways including whole garlic bulbs, peeled and prepared cloves, juice and black garlic paste. For more information visit