The Myths and Facts Separated

August 16, 2011

We all know -or think we know – what makes for a long and healthy life but are we right? A new book uses one of the most famous studies in psychology to answer the question of who lives longest — and why. The answers may surprise you, but this study was begun in the early 1920s and our interest in, and knowledge of, health care has also changed radically. The Longevity Project’s authors, Dr Howard Friedman and Dr Leslie Martin are on a search and destroy mission to certainly tackle many of our most deeply held beliefs about longevity.

Myth number one — people do not die from working long hours at a challenging job, many who worked the hardest live the longest. Bizarre as it may seem, hard workers live longer, even those with stressful jobs, because being motivated and engaged keeps you alive.

Myth number two — getting and staying married is not a magic ticket to a long life, especially if you are a woman. In fact those unhappy marriages do often live longer, but those whose marriage ends in divorce actually have shorter life spans.

Myth number three — exercise is not necessarily the key to a longer life. In fact the vigourous exercise can be detrimental, results show that the enjoyable physical activities like gardening or walking are more beneficial than high impact exercise.

Myth number four — it’s not a happy-go-lucky people who survive longest, it is the prudent and consistent who flourish through the years.

Myth number five — if you are concerned that you worry too much, then don’t! Apparently healthy concern for the future makes you more likely to be diligent about your health which means you are likely to live longer.

If you’re not sure just where you fall on the longevity spectrum, then the book contains questionnaires that will help you discover that plus advice on how to stay healthy.

The authors are endorsed by Dr Andrew Weil — one of the most respected nutritional and make a thick doctors in the USA — who even with his enormous range of information and experience says that he learned a lot from this book. Calling it “a compelling and objective assessment of character traits associated with longevity.”

Personally, I found the key personality component self assessment tests absolutely fascinating, and now I am not going to tell you the result! The book is published by Hay House and if you can’t find it in your local bookshop, and you can order it direct from amazon here: The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight Decade Study


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